About The Conference
Marine Technology Society
The Marine Technology Society is internationally recognized for its conferences, technical symposiums and workshops, which are supported and sponsored by MTS Sections and Professional Committees. Several are co-sponsored with other professional societies. MTS India Section is organizing one day workshop called TechSurge on Thursday, 10th August 2018 in Chennai. This workshop will focus on the harvesting of marine resources has increased manifold and this calls for the urgent need for bringing sustainability through use of appropriate technologies. Marine Technology Society India Section through its annual event 'Techsurge' strives to find high-tech solutions for improving and optimizing the resource utilization and the effort and money spent on fishing and increase the overall efficiency of the process in a sustainable manner.
The workshop will include provoking topics by key note speakers, paper submissions on the theme and student poster competitions, which will be evaluated by the SAR experts attending the event.