Conference Theme
Marine Technology Society
The twin disasters of airlines ditching into sea in 2014 and the international search and rescue effort to locate the ‘black box’, and debris of the airlines are a big challenge and needs relentless dedication. Underwater search is not searching for a needle in a haystack, it is first to define where the haystack is? SAR at sea can be in very hostile environment affected by high gale force winds, poor visibility and sheer distance from shore.
The huge loss of life at sea we have seen in the recent years and the technology that can help minimize this loss is the theme of the seminar. Advanced SAR methods have been developed by leading research institutes and companies dedicated to underwater search. Techsurge 2016 “SAR at Sea” is the 1st of this expert seminar / discussion which will have renowned speakers from around the world, including India & Indian SAR experts. Attendees of this event come face to face with industry expert and learn about technologies that can enable SAR agencies to work more effectively and efficiently in a way that can save lives. The final objective is to remove the S out of SAR.
The conference will address the following: